So, Monday starts a new week. And again it started with a migraine…at least it wasn’t as bad as Sundays! Tried to get through the morning with the usual coffee regimeine & drinking water as I’m told that’s supposed to help….
Mondays for me are meetings, meetings, meetings. Seems non-stop most of the time. I do LOVE (ok, LIKE immensely) my job, so it makes it easier, as does the people I work with. We must’ve had 3-4 small (<30 minute) power outages here at the house though…VERY strange. I called TXU/Oncor & they said they were working on a service box or something to that effect, but when asked, No, they couldn’t have notified us in advance (really? It IS 2012, isn’t it?!?!?!).
Anyhow, fairly quiet evening…had the migraine again in the evening, so I rested for most of the night.
Pain: 5
BM x 3