
My name is Chris.  Welcome to my blog.  My first blog.

I’ve had many family & friends ask for updates, a background as to what happened & why, etc. so I figured this would be the best way to let everyone know what’s going on without going the whole facebook route.  Plus, it gives me the opportunity to put my thoughts, feelings, emotions to “paper”…

As this is my first ever blog, it will be a work in progress.  I’m learning the blogging process as you’re reading, not to mention going through a myriad of emotions as I progress through this whole ordeal.  So bear with me & keep me in your thoughts & prayers if you would please…I’d greatly appreciate it!

Let me be up front…this is going to be pretty blunt & as descriptive as possible, so if you are squeemish, you might want to hit the back button on your browser at this point.

As I started out simply writing about my Cancer experience, it’s been expanded to include what I’m going through now needing / having a colostomy.  At the top, there are menu links to both blog categories for ease of access.


  1. Jeri Stickler says:

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family if you need anything please let me know thanks.

    Love always

  2. Sue Dempster says:

    Chris, this is exactly what happened to my best friend! SAME story… she had an unusual type of colon cancer. Went thru all her treatments 2 months ago, and they were successful! Hard to go through, but victory in the end! (oh man… what a pun!)

    Wishing YOU the best in your fight as well.

  3. Tony ward says:

    My thoughts are with you Chris. At least its getting sorted out. Best wishes.
    Tony aka/excellium

  4. Sarah says:

    I’m praying for you Chris. You and Dawnette are on my mind and in my heart each day. Many hugs!!!

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