Tag Archive for Week #4

Treatment Day 28…4 week mark!

Well, just over a week left to go…

Slept a bit better last night.  Had my radiation treatment this morning as usual.   On the way home though, I had the fun of getting a flat tire (front left).  I walked over to Auto Zone & got a fix-a-flat, but that didn’t help. That was tiring enough, but I popped the trunk & got the temporary spare out (WHY does Cadillac NOT include a real spare on a car at this price?). Had issues getting it under the car at the right place, but finally got it & started jacking it up, but it was just too much for me. Luckily we have OnStar, so I called them.

Took Cadillac a bit less than an hour to get to me from 75/Park. I took the time to crank the A/C & music & rest. One of the most difficult things I’m dealing with throughout all of this is the emotional impact. I’m also tired of feeling helpless, not being able to do something as simple as changing a tire. It gets incredibly frustrating.

Anyhow, Jeff from Cadillac came out to put the tire on…really nice guy, very friendly. We had a good chat while he was putting the spare on. He wrapped it up pretty quickly…I took the car to 2-3 places to get estimates for 4 new tires.

Holy crap! Cadillac is proud of the Michelin tires…all 3 places had them, but they were $220+ for each tire. As I needed 4, there was NO WAY I was doing that. I stepped down a notch or two & got Falken 612′s or something like that…40k mile warranty. It was still $700+ out the door…WOW!

Got home & had to rest as I was exhausted. Dawnette came home & we relaxed a bit before heading to church for our weekly home groups.  This week we met at the church to “regroup” if you will & choose a different home group for the next 8-12 weeks.  Played a game where we had to get with everyone in the room to see if they had done something on our hand-out.   It was kinda fun…I was the only one of the group (25+) who liked anchovies.  And one of a select few who don’t own any apply hardware.  There were quite a few other things as well…it was fun getting to know others in the group a bit better.

After home group was over, Dawnette & I were hungry, so we went to Scotty P’s & ordered a burger & onion rings to split.  It was really good…I think they have the best burgers in Frisco.  Anyhow, we watched some of our television shows that we record via the DVR while we had dinner & then got ready for bed.

A fairly eventful day to say the least…

Pain: 6